Why the Truth is like a strong sharp wind and how I found my voice
I spent some years being speechless and in utter stupor about events that took place in my personal life and also globally. Being young and clueless it was hard to express my feelings and find the words for something, that felt so utterly wrong like a sudden and unexpected punch into the stomach.
It all started in early 2015, when I spoke up against my slave monger-like-art agent. My voice was shaking, Despite the dread I felt like I was piercing though an invisible wall and entering dangerous terrain. Something new that was there waiting for me since ever. The land of self dignity and personal power I had not dared to enter yet. I was frightened as hell, but at the same time, it felt so entirely wrong to get treated and tricked like right less cattle, by an arrogant self glorifying lying person, who was making tons of money with me, without having a single trait, that would make her qualified for the job. Unless you see arrogance and greed as a quality. It was my art agent.
The backlash I got from her and the co criminal exploiter client she brought in, was like getting beaten up and punished by your parents for something nasty you did. Only that I had done nothing nasty and that parents don`t do those things to their wards any more these days. Good parents don’t beat their kids up and they don`t shame them. Mind you, I was already grown up in 2015 and the agent was economically depending on my creative productivity. But she was also the “corporate”. Something that has been in silent ominous power since a very long time.
And you know that you are not supposed to challenge the corporate. It´s an unwritten pending law. At least in 2015 it was very present. Now in 2022 it`s losing its grip a bit, but it`s still a force to count with.
Back in 2015 all I had asked for, was a bit more freedom and respect and money. She took 50% of everything I made and she made sure, that I was sold to exploitation for years, to clients with tricky contracts and zero respect. I had no clue of these practices when I got contracted in 2011 . Because I did not dare to ask. There was dread in the air about many things and I was told to “consider myself lucky”.
Ever since I have been piercing through that invisible wall often, over and over again. Still timid in the beginning, but every time it felt a bit lighter, a bit more self evident to speak up about what was hurting and wrong. Today, it’s like the most normal thing to do. And it is. It should be. It’s all about starting to take our power back at some point.
Don’t get me wrong, it was and is not exactly a great experience, after I spoke my truth. I got punished, attacked and excluded and blocked every single time. My need for truth and justice came at high cost. My agent, who earned a fortune on me, badmouthed me in the industry, after I left her. She went and took my design prize at an art fair, without telling me I was even given one. It was almost impossible for me to get work again after we parted.
In the same year, surfing the wave of newly found courage to speak the truth, I was punished in my own family, when I told my mother, that her whole pride and “golden child” (not me, the artist, but the IT business son) , my brother, was working for criminals. He worked for the Credit Suisse, a bank that was basically hoarding the gold the Nazis had stolen from the Jews. In modern days they were helping drug cartels to wash money in South and Middle America. This bank had and has plenty of dirty involvements. Back in 2015, only a few knew this. Now in 2022 it was written even in the mainstream media and is out in the open. I don’t want to go into detail about the disgraceful things I went through in my family. All I’m saying is that speaking the truth and demanding justice is a very powerful thing, but not recommendable for everyone , as it’s a very tough path. It’s so powerful that they, the “corporate” will do everything to shut you down and destroy you for it. Even taking your life. The “corporate” sometimes can be your family too.
Meanwhile it’s a big movement, the truth speaking movement. It’s still not easy, tough winds are blowing as an ongoing experience and you get ridiculed, isolated and destroyed in every possible way. In a Society, where the lie and the false narrative is dictating reality, and everyone who is not buying it is threatened, we are still having a hard life.
But I do firmly believe that the tides are about to turn and already are turning. Along the way I overcame my tongue-tied fear. I learned to find powerful words that can be like a sword and it was my therapy from feeling like a victim. Knowledge is backing me up and I go every extra mile for it. I’m ready to go back to be a journalist again. Like I was with 17 years already, when I brought down a local politician with a truth article. They shut me up and they punished me with 17 years already. I tried to be a journalist for at least 10 years but it was like Don Quixote against the windmills. I went into the world of art instead, out of the business of words. I thought I was saver there. In the beginning it was the case, but I encountered the same old puppeteers and manipulators again. Because they are everywhere. The truth will also go everywhere. Like a rough cold wind, it will intrude into every crack of the dry, riddled, stinky cheese, the false reality is. Because the truth has the longest standing and it’s winning.
#findingourvoice #truth movement #speaking truth #self empowerment