Why the average citizen need to wake up from its comatose sleep of neglect and has to mature the f* up asap
It’s end of 2022 and we all have learned a lesson or too, ever since 2020 and it’s dystopian gifts have dawned on us.

The average citizen, this is clear by now, is neither courageous nor morally incorruptible or independent in his thinking. He is not even interested in reality and prefers to live in a narrative provided by the ever present media that became the big programmer of minds and values. He, the average citizen is even eager to follow senseless orders, to virtue signal them and to shame those citizens who are still thinking for themselves. He shows to be entirely uncritical towards the ruling class and the ever present media thats trying to be it’s guide and doctrine. Since the great global Convid narrative crossroads, that have been showing us who is intelligent, brave and self thinking and who is not, the bar has been lowered even since 2020 and in the following years 2021 and 2022 .

The average citizen does not care for facts, truth or fact based numbers. He only cares to be in accordance with the currant main stream story and to stand in line as a part of the officially approved “politically correct” crowd, no matter what harmful and untrue story is been sold to him. He would not even restrain from socially discriminating and antagonizing relatives, friends and long time companions if these happen to fall out of line and show to have character. His obedience is stronger than his social bonds, decency and common sense. I myself and many others have been watching in utter second hand embarrassment how people, we considered friends and family have fallen for propaganda and shallow lies. We all had some eye opening experiences in this time and by now we all know who is a free unbiased thinker, a responsible character and a force to rely on. And who is none of these things.
It indeed was crossroads and here we are now. It’s the last days of 2022 and you should think we have seen it all. But far from it. As we move on in a world that became increasingly dystopian, we are facing new “social phenomena” we never thought would be our reality. During the last week or so, the Balenciaga pedophilia scandal has been shaking the social media landscape. Despite all the efforts to program people and „normalize“ the unthinkable, there are still citizens/journalists and citizen journalists with a moral codex and a strong voice, courageously calling out the more and more sickening practices of the fashion industry. It could not be more into your face than it is now. If fashion in it`s original meaning was the expression of beauty, craft and elegance, those days are definatelly over by now. The recent Balenciaga fall show was a march of grotesque ugliness and idiotically looking models and outfits. Who is going to buy this and why? Maybe Balenciaga by now is “club wear” for the morally and mentally distorted “elite”. And those who are eager to follow them through the mudd.
Since a long time many have been saying that the so called “elite” — filthy rich and famous people- are satanists. And that there is a problem with pedophilia among them. it seams to be an elitist “hoby” to sexualise, harm and abuse children”. They have been called out many times as there is a lot of evidence and obvious facts, yet our “average citizen” would call this “conspiracy theories”. Because nothing that their fragile little, truth refusing brains cannot handle is supposed to be true. So many things have been “into your face”, that it takes a whole lot of delusional refusal and an utterly immature personality to not see it. Does the average citizen in general have an immature and undeveloped personality that’s rather the slave of comfortable lies than a self responsible warrior of truth? It seams so. Our societies are falling apart in decadency and decay while acting “righteous and virtuous” and simultaneously chastising everyone who still has a functioning moral code and dares to speak up.

How afraid must these average hip-wokesters be, if the truth and it’s consequences are so uncomfortable, that they rather allow the boundaries of everything that’s good, healthy and righteous, to be pushed and even put upside down?
Are we really about to sacrifice our children on this ominous satanic altar of fashionable “avantgarde”? Just like the rich and famous. Are we tolerating children to wear fetish BSDM bears and be the pray of vile and pervert cultists? Remember, they are showing us in pictures what they are doing. Everyone who has eyes to see can see it.