Why is the whole world obsessed with watching the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial?
Well because we all have survived several abusive relationships and friendships with narcissists, gas lighters and histrionic personalities. Watching this is like my whole life is summed up with different people I had interacted with in family and society.
it’s overall educational and a summery of what we all have experienced.
The whole world is in a long term divorce from narcissist and psychopath overlords, governments, programs and media. We are waking up to what we have been forced to deal with and what still tries to overlord us. Collectively humanity wants to get rid of the psychopaths and receive compensation and healing. They are liars, bullies, abusers and we want to get rid of them. That’s the deeper reason to watch it. Also a broad audience gets shown what gas-lighting and narcissism is like and how it operates.
And by the way, you can watch this educational program and still be up to date with anything else happening