The Time of the wrist Watch is up, it does n`t make sense
unless you want to show off. but rather let s be time bandits.

This is just my humble opinion, but I don´t see any sense in wearing a wrist watch in this day and age. It`s an object that became obsolete long ago, but still lingers on, mainly on the hairy underarms of men.
Why do you need an instrument that`s showing the time, when the time is shown on your mobile phone? The mobile, an other apparatus we cling too, even this one is multi functional and serves many morte purposes. Among other things it shows the time, the calendar, the air humidity, the weather…everything. So why would you need a watch?
I guess because its about showing off status, wealth, taste and social cast membership. So, having a Rolex for example, versus a Casio, is showing: “I am the first league. I can afford this, you are under me. I´m rich”. Needless to say, that fitted with such an ostentatious object we become a magnet to all kind of filthy people and gold diggers with doubtable agendas. You are automatically putting yourself on a higher horse with it.
Is this really okay on the 21st century? I guess it is for many, but actually it`s not, if you are trying to implement a developed humanity that`s not about bling and status but about equality and evolvement and maturity.
Representing the power of a hierarchical society of an embarrassingly rich elite versus the mediocre or poor mob, is vile in my view. You gain admiration and boot lickers and leeches, yes! But you also create envy and anger and crime, from those who are for ever cut off from such privileges due to insurmountable social pits. You are manifesting a 3D hierarchical materialistic mindset that is keeping humanity in the stone ages of perspective for ever.
Therefore wrist watches are outdated, reactionary and outmoded. Quite especially as in the 3D realm we are living in the kingdom of Saturn/Kronos, the prison of time, the whole humanity is living by the dictatorship of the hours. Do you want to be reminded of this? No. Especially as the real luxury is having time, while for others the clock of their life is running without mercy on and on.
As we are collectively moving into 5D-timelessness, and freedom of Saturn`s imprisonment, we don`t need measurement instruments for something that is infinite.
I understand that there are beautiful watches out there: real pieces of art, collectibles, family watches and artifacts of advanced craft and beauty.
So what to do with them? Why not dysfunction them, rearrange them and wear them proudly as jewelry and the symbol of having broken out of the time prison? A really rebellious, cool badge of being a free evolved individual.
And the watch will be a reminder of what we have overcome.