Living in the land of Procrascination
So many of us live here, in Procrastination land … and thanks to the Plandemic, we now have an excuse even and have become long term residents.
I have been fighting procrastination all my life, I even tried to therapy it. It was never easy to get to the bottom of it…
Only now recently, I seam to understand what this is all about.
The lockdowns and our extended occupation with “conspiracy theories”, that have turned out to be enlightening the dark of the “unknown areas of life and society”, the real existing current underneath, have revealed, that we don’t live in a world, where our wishes and goals are taken care of by an ever benevolent manifesting magical universe(well this is still it`s inhrant nature ) but opposed by all kinds of hostile blockages and circumstances, which will never let us succeed and reach a higher ground, that’s the fulfilment of our hearts and wishes.
Way too often things don’t go well, go astray and get destroyed through circumstances, people and opposing rules. The procrastination is a way to protect us from from the deep disappointments of having strived and struggled and gotten nowhere, gotten defeated and beaten down.
It’s like taking a trip to a wonderful destination, only to find out that it’s actually a disappointing shithole and all our exciment was in vain. We feel duped.
To avoid those let-downs we have experienced all too often, we are still going to the train station daily, but not taking the train any more. “I could if I wanted, but I don’t want” is the stance of a dissapointed fortune seeker.
This procrastination is a deep laming fear of a major let-down after the rush of excitement and all the work invested into persuing a high end goal.
With the world wide lock-downs now, the powers of preventing and blocking our ambition, that have always been subtle in the background, are the predominant present current and ruling force. Could it be more visible than now? There is no use to even try it seams.
What’s coming after the rulership of the petty tyrants that are destroying our happiness, freedom and economic basis? We shall see soon. The world is waking up to their nefarious doing. Maybe in future procrastination will be over as we will have removed the dark sorces of prevention of human happiness. I sure hope so.
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